3/6 wasteland
My first mistake was sitting down to play poker on Sunday morning.
I don't know what it is about Sunday mornings, but they always seem like the worst time to play. I know, I know, the games are still fishy, and I always picture my opponents in my head as being up late from the Saturday night before, drunk, hung over or stupid.
Maybe my hard time winning has nothing to do with the day and more to do with the 3/6 game.
Maybe the problem is that I'm not comfortable with the betting limits.
Or maybe I'm just going through a swing.
Or maybe I go on tilt more easily because now it seems like when the fish suck out, it hurts more.
Or maybe ...
I won't detail the bad beats, because who gives a shit.
But dammit, they make me feel like ass.
I have no choice now but to go back to 2/4. I fucking hate 2/4. It feels like I'm playing with a bunch of old ladies at the casino who can't see the writing on the cards.
The catch 22 is that while I consistently beat 2/4 at a decent clip, I'm never content there. And at 3/6, I never can establish a consistent streak of winning or losing and always end up sorry that I tried.
3/6 is very similar to 2/4. There are almost as many maniacs, almost as many fish, almost as many juicy games.
Yet, I can't win there for more than one or two days at a time.
Bitch, bitch, bitch.
I need to just man up, swallow my pride and play the games that I consistently beat. I always want to strive for something higher and better, but for whatever reason, I can't seem to make the jump.
I hate to think of myself as a 2/4 player, especially when I beat that game so easily and my bankroll can easily support 3/6.
But maybe that's what I am, and I should get used to it.
Poker with Dick Cheney