Do Your Duty
Everyone needs to get together for the common good. Justice must be done.
We all must take on our personal responsibilities so that everyone can benefit. Each of us has a duty to live up to.
We must bust the short stacks. Short stacks need to be punished for having so little money that it's not even worth it. They don't deserve to sit at the table when they're just wasting space.
Together, we can mete out these fish's doom. Put short stacks all in on marginal hands. Take a risk on a marginal hand because the consequences of losing aren't that great. They can't hurt you much. And when the short stacks do happen to win, you can always fall back on the Galaga Theory of Poker: A fish who captures your chips will give them back to you soon enough.
I'm heading to Montreal tomorrow to visit a friend and hang out over the weekend. I doubt I'll get to play any poker, but who knows!
-professor grammar
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