Thursday, April 07, 2005

I think I'll get by

I've gotten into a pretty effective poker routine (or maybe I've just been lucky):

After a long day of reading, hanging out, eating at good Chilean restaurants and drinking, I finally log on to play poker at about 1 or 2 a.m. It's been profitable for me to find tables that are shorthanded because it's easier to exploit fishes' mistakes there.

I start out with a couple of 3/6 tables shorthanded, start up some music from Yahoo! Radio, crank up Pokertracker and Gametime+, and then open a couple more tables.

The funny thing is that these three- or four-handed, late-night 3/6 games are even fishier than I would have thought. So when I lost a few pots against ridiculous gutshots and third pair draws that turn into trips, I started getting a little angry.

It was almost funny that I was getting frustrated. I haven't gotten pissed off at a table in a while -- in part because I've been winning, but also because I've adjusted to the reality of variance and beats.

I would not say I was tilting, because that would imply I was letting emotions affect my game negatively. Instead, I became more focused.

I was still mildly annoyed about 30 minutes later before I looked up and realized I had won a few hundred dollars. Heh.

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At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know its funny, I find that sometimes I play better when pissed off. If you can harnass your anger as determination instead of tilting and playing badly I think you can really make good use of it.


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